Wallex 推荐项目

我们的“推荐项目”奖励成功将我们的平台推荐给其他企业的Wallex用户。 请继续阅读以了解更多信息。


登录你的Wallex账号,在导航菜单的底部进入 “推荐 ”部分。






“使用 Wallex 后,我们的国际转账费用至多减少了 50%-60%。这是金融服务平台让企业更高效、更实在运行的一个典范。”

Akhmad Nurhidayat 丸龟乌冬面连锁餐厅首席财务官


Liliana Bambang,首席财务官,Investree


“使用 Wallex 后,我们的国际转账费用至多减少了 50%-60%。这是金融服务平台让企业更高效、更实在运行的一个典范。”

Akhmad Nurhidayat 丸龟乌冬面连锁餐厅首席财务官


Liliana Bambang,首席财务官,Investree


“使用 Wallex 后,我们的国际转账费用至多减少了 50%-60%。这是金融服务平台让企业更高效、更实在运行的一个典范。”

Akhmad Nurhidayat 丸龟乌冬面连锁餐厅首席财务官


Liliana Bambang,首席财务官,Investree


“使用 Wallex 后,我们的国际转账费用至多减少了 50%-60%。这是金融服务平台让企业更高效、更实在运行的一个典范。”

Akhmad Nurhidayat 丸龟乌冬面连锁餐厅首席财务官


Liliana Bambang,首席财务官,Investree


“使用 Wallex 后,我们的国际转账费用至多减少了 50%-60%。这是金融服务平台让企业更高效、更实在运行的一个典范。”

Akhmad Nurhidayat 丸龟乌冬面连锁餐厅首席财务官


Liliana Bambang,首席财务官,Investree


“使用 Wallex 后,我们的国际转账费用至多减少了 50%-60%。这是金融服务平台让企业更高效、更实在运行的一个典范。”

Akhmad Nurhidayat 丸龟乌冬面连锁餐厅首席财务官


Liliana Bambang,首席财务官,Investree


“使用 Wallex 后,我们的国际转账费用至多减少了 50%-60%。这是金融服务平台让企业更高效、更实在运行的一个典范。”

Akhmad Nurhidayat 丸龟乌冬面连锁餐厅首席财务官


Liliana Bambang,首席财务官,Investree


“使用 Wallex 后,我们的国际转账费用至多减少了 50%-60%。这是金融服务平台让企业更高效、更实在运行的一个典范。”

Akhmad Nurhidayat 丸龟乌冬面连锁餐厅首席财务官


Liliana Bambang,首席财务官,Investree

Belum punya kode referral?

Buat akun gratis sekarang dan Anda akan memiliki akses ke kode atau tautan referensi Anda.



Don’t have a referral code yet?

Create an account for free now and you will have access to your referral code or link.

Don’t have a referral code yet?

Create an account for free now and you will have access to your referral code or link.

Don’t have a referral code yet?

Create an account for free now and you will have access to your referral code or link.

Don’t have a referral code yet?

Create an account for free now and you will have access to your referral code or link.





Bisakah saya mereferensikan bisnis teman saya ke Wallex?

Pasti! Kami terbuka untuk membantu bisnis berekspansi ke Asia dan sekitarnya dengan kecepatan, dukungan, dan penghematan yang lebih baik untuk pembayaran internasional dan kebutuhan FX mereka.

Saat ini saya bukan pengguna Wallex. Apakah saya masih dapat berpartisipasi dalam program referensi ini?

Program Referal Wallex hanya terbuka untuk pelanggan Wallex lama yang telah melakukan setidaknya satu transaksi. Pelanggan yang direferensikan juga harus membuat akun dan menyelesaikan setidaknya satu transaksi sebelum dapat mendapat hadiah.

Apa imbalan untuk membuat rujukan?

Hadiah referal terus berubah untuk memberi insentif kepada mitra kami. Jika Anda sudah menjadi pengguna Wallex, Anda dapat menghubungi Account Manager Anda untuk mengetahui tentang hadiah referal saat ini.

Bisakah saya mendapatkan hadiah hanya dengan merujuk bisnis?

Untuk menerima hadiah referal, bisnis yang Anda referensikan harus membuat akun dan menyelesaikan setidaknya satu transaksi dengan Wallex.

Apakah ada batasan jumlah referensi yang saya buat?

Tidak ada batasan jumlah referal yang Anda buat dan hadiah yang didapatkan selama referal tersebut memenuhi kriteria yang disebutkan di atas.



目前不是 Wallex 用户,那我还能参加这个推荐项目吗?

Wallex 推荐项目仅对至少进行过一次交易的 Wallex 现有用户开放。您也只能在推荐客户成功注册Wallex账户并完成一次交易后获得奖励。


为了激励我们的合作伙伴,推荐奖励是不断变化的。如果您是 Wallex 的现有用户,您可以联系您的客户经理,了解当前的推荐奖励。


要获得推荐奖励,您推荐的企业需要在 Wallex 设立账户并完成至少一次交易。





目前不是 Wallex 用户,那我还能参加这个推荐项目吗?

Wallex 推荐项目仅对至少进行过一次交易的 Wallex 现有用户开放。您也只能在推荐客户成功注册Wallex账户并完成一次交易后获得奖励。


为了激励我们的合作伙伴,推荐奖励是不断变化的。如果您是 Wallex 的现有用户,您可以联系您的客户经理,了解当前的推荐奖励。


为了激励我们的合作伙伴,推荐奖励是不断变化的。如果您是 Wallex 的现有用户,您可以联系您的客户经理,了解当前的推荐奖励。



Can I refer my friend's business to Wallex?

Certainly! We are open to helping businesses expand out to Asia and beyond with better speed, support, and savings on their international payments and FX needs.

I am not currently a Wallex user. Can I still participate in this referral programme?

The Wallex Referral Programme is only open to existing Wallex customers who have made at least one transaction. The referred customer must also have set up an account and completed at least one transaction before you may receive the reward.

What are the rewards for making a referral?

Referral rewards are constantly changing to incentivise our partners. If you're an existing Wallex user, you can contact your Account Manager to learn about the current referral rewards.

Can I earn rewards just by referring businesses?

To receive the referral rewards, the businesses you refer will need to set up an account and complete at least one transaction with Wallex.

Is there a limit to the number of referrals I make?

There is no limit to the number of referrals you make and rewards earned as long as the referrals fulfil the criteria mentioned above.

Can I refer my friend's business to Wallex?

Certainly! We are open to helping businesses expand out to Asia and beyond with better speed, support, and savings on their international payments and FX needs.

I am not currently a Wallex user. Can I still participate in this referral programme?

The Wallex Referral Programme is only open to existing Wallex customers who have made at least one transaction. The referred customer must also have set up an account and completed at least one transaction before you may receive the reward.

What are the rewards for making a referral?

Referral rewards are constantly changing to incentivise our partners. If you're an existing Wallex user, you can contact your Account Manager to learn about the current referral rewards.

Can I earn rewards just by referring businesses?

To receive the referral rewards, the businesses you refer will need to set up an account and complete at least one transaction with Wallex.

Is there a limit to the number of referrals I make?

There is no limit to the number of referrals you make and rewards earned as long as the referrals fulfil the criteria mentioned above.

Can I refer my friend's business to Wallex?

Certainly! We are open to helping businesses expand out to Asia and beyond with better speed, support, and savings on their international payments and FX needs.

I am not currently a Wallex user. Can I still participate in this referral programme?

The Wallex Referral Programme is only open to existing Wallex customers who have made at least one transaction. The referred customer must also have set up an account and completed at least one transaction before you may receive the reward.

What are the rewards for making a referral?

Referral rewards are constantly changing to incentivise our partners. If you're an existing Wallex user, you can contact your Account Manager to learn about the current referral rewards.

Can I earn rewards just by referring businesses?

To receive the referral rewards, the businesses you refer will need to set up an account and complete at least one transaction with Wallex.

Is there a limit to the number of referrals I make?

There is no limit to the number of referrals you make and rewards earned as long as the referrals fulfil the criteria mentioned above.

Can I refer my friend's business to Wallex?

Certainly! We are open to helping businesses expand out to Asia and beyond with better speed, support, and savings on their international payments and FX needs.

I am not currently a Wallex user. Can I still participate in this referral programme?

The Wallex Referral Programme is only open to existing Wallex customers who have made at least one transaction. The referred customer must also have set up an account and completed at least one transaction before you may receive the reward.

What are the rewards for making a referral?

Referral rewards are constantly changing to incentivise our partners. If you're an existing Wallex user, you can contact your Account Manager to learn about the current referral rewards.

Can I earn rewards just by referring businesses?

To receive the referral rewards, the businesses you refer will need to set up an account and complete at least one transaction with Wallex.

Is there a limit to the number of referrals I make?

There is no limit to the number of referrals you make and rewards earned as long as the referrals fulfil the criteria mentioned above.



我目前不是 Wallex 用戶,那我還能參加這個推薦專案嗎?

Wallex 推薦專案僅對至少進行過一次交易的 Wallex 現有用戶開放。您也只能在推薦客戶成功註冊Wallex帳戶並完成一次交易後獲得獎勵。


為了激勵我們的合作夥伴,推薦獎勵是不斷變化的。如果您是 Wallex 的現有用戶,您可以聯繫您的客戶經理,瞭解當前的推薦獎勵。


要獲得推薦獎勵,您推薦的企業需要在 Wallex 設立帳戶並完成至少一次交易。

