Convert MYR to INR with speed & savings

Sending money from MYR to INR has never been faster, cheaper or easier with Wallex. Check out our competitive FX rates.

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Get started to send money in 3 easy steps

Step 1 : Create your free account
Sign up for free with Singpass and share relevant documents to support your application.
Step 2 : Tell us about your business
Share information about your business requirements that will allow us to tailor our services to your needs.
3. Start transacting
Once approved, you can start adding beneficiaries, create virtual accounts and set up your international payments through our online platform.

Get started to send money in 3 easy steps

Step 1 : Create your free account
Signup for free and share relevant documents to support your application.
Step 2 : Tell us about your business
Share information about your business requirements that will allow us to tailor make our services for you.
3. Start transacting
Once approved, you can start adding beneficiaries and set up your international payments through our online platform.

Get started to send money in 3 easy steps

Step 1 : Create your free account
Signup for free and share relevant documents to support your application.
Step 2 : Tell us about your business
Share information about your business requirements that will allow us to tailor make our services for you.
3. Start transacting
Once approved, you can start adding beneficiaries and set up your international payments through our online platform.

Get started to send money in 3 easy steps

Step 1 : Create your free account
Signup for free and share relevant documents to support your application.
Step 2 : Tell us about your business
Share information about your business requirements that will allow us to tailor make our services for you.
3. Start transacting
Once approved, you can start adding beneficiaries and set up your international payments through our online platform.

3 langkah mudah untuk mengirim uang

Langkah 1: Buat Akun Anda
Daftar dan siapkan dokumen yang dibutuhkan.
Langkah 2: Ceritakan tentang bisnis Anda
Bagikan informasi tentang kebutuhan bisnis Anda sehingga kami dapat menyesuaikan layanan kami untuk Anda.
Langkah 3: Mulai transaksi
Setelah disetujui, Anda dapat mulai menambahkan penerima dan mengatur pembayaran internasional Anda melaui platform kami.

只需 3 步即可开始汇款

第 1 步:创建免费账户
第 2 步:向我们介绍您的业务
第 3 步:开始交易

只需 3 步即可开始汇款

第 1 步:创建免费账户
第 2 步:向我们介绍您的业务
第 3 步:开始交易

只需 3 步即可開始匯款

第 1 步:創建免費帳戶
第 2 步:向我們介紹您的業務
第 3 步:開始交易

Guide to Send Global Payments From MYR to INR

Swift Payment
Use SWIFT if you require unrestricted worldwide transfer. SWIFT payments are typically more expensive as compared to local transfers.
Local Transfer
Use SWIFT if you require unrestricted worldwide transfer. SWIFT payments are typically more expensive as compared to local transfers.
Fact sheet
Supported Countries
Payment Type
Cut-off Timing
2.00pm (GMT +8)
Funds Reach By
Same Day
Required details for Swift Payments
Beneficiary Details
  • Account Holder Name
    The name reflecting in bank records
  • Account Number
    6-20 characters to identify beneficiary bank account
  • SWIFT Code
    Swift code consists of 8 or 11 characters used to identify a specific bank in an international transaction. It is used to identify banks worldwide.
  • IFSC Code
    4 letters followed by 7 alphanumeric characters
Other information
Purpose of Transaction and Supporting Documents might be required
Use Local Transfers as an alternative to SWIFT. This method is usually cheaper.
Fact sheet
Supported Countries
Payment Type
Local Transfer
Cut-off Timing
Funds Reach By
Same Day
Required Details For Local Transfers
Beneficiary Details
  • Account Holder Name
    The name reflected in bank records.
  • Account Number
    6 - 20 characters for identification of the beneficiary's bank account.
  • Local Transfer Details
    IFSC Code
  • Payment purpose code needed
Other information
Invoice number and date required Purpose of Transaction and Supporting Documents might be required
INR 1,500,000.00

Top currency pairings

Need to make payments to overseas suppliers or payroll to remote employees? Enjoy fast, low-cost, and secure online money transfers with Wallex.

Top currency pairings

Need to make payments to overseas suppliers or payroll to remote employees? Enjoy fast, low-cost, and secure online money transfers with Wallex.

Top currency pairings

Need to make payments to overseas suppliers or payroll to remote employees? Enjoy fast, low-cost, and secure online money transfers with Wallex.


需要向海外供应商付款或向远程员工发放工资吗?使用 Wallex,享受快速、低成本、安全的在线转账。

Top currency pairings

Need to make payments to overseas suppliers or payroll to remote employees? Enjoy fast, low-cost, and secure online money transfers with Wallex.


需要向海外供應商付款或向遠程員工發放工資嗎?使用 Wallex,享受快速、低成本、安全的線上轉賬。

Pasangan mata uang teratas

Perlu melakukan pembayaran ke suplier luar negeri atau penggajian ke karyawan jarak jauh? Nikmati transfer uang online yang cepat, murah, dan aman dengan Wallex.


需要向海外供应商付款或向远程员工发放工资吗?使用 Wallex,享受快速、低成本、安全的在线转账。

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Get started with Wallex now

Create an account for free now and start exploring.

Get started with Wallex now

Create an account for free now and start exploring.

Get started with Wallex now

Create an account for free now and start exploring.

Mulai dengan Wallex sekarang

Buat akun gratis sekarang dan mulai jelajah.








Have a burning question? View our resources here.

Does Wallex allow me to lock in the exchange rate when it is favourable?

You can convert your funds into one of our 48 supported currencies, which includes USD, EUR, GBP, SGD and JPY.

Can I hold multiple currencies in a single account with Wallex?

Yes, you can lock in a rate when it is favourable. Once you lock it in, you have 24 hours to fund and complete the payment

How does Wallex's exchange rate compare to traditional banks?

Wallex provides a near mid-market rate that is far more competitive than what you will get at banks. You can also get customised rates based on the nature of your business and frequency of conversions. Speak to our FX specialist to find out more.

Can I make a TT to INR with Wallex?

You can send funds to any one of our 48 supported currencies with Wallex. View the full list of supported currencies here.

I made a payment with Wallex. Where can I track the status of my international payment?

You can track the status of your payment by downloading the MT103 document from the Wallex platform once the payment is completed.

Does Wallex allow me to lock in the exchange rate when it is favourable?

You can convert your funds into one of our 48 supported currencies, which includes USD, EUR, GBP, SGD and JPY.

Can I hold multiple currencies in a single account with Wallex?

Yes, you can lock in a rate when it is favourable. Once you lock it in, you have 24 hours to fund and complete the payment

How does Wallex's exchange rate compare to traditional banks?

Wallex provides a near mid-market rate that is far more competitive than what you will get at banks. You can also get customised rates based on the nature of your business and frequency of conversions. Speak to our FX specialist to find out more.

Can I make a TT to INR with Wallex?

You can send funds to any one of our 48 supported currencies with Wallex. View the full list of supported currencies here.

I made a payment with Wallex. Where can I track the status of my international payment?

You can track the status of your payment by downloading the MT103 document from the Wallex platform once the payment is completed.

Does Wallex allow me to lock in the exchange rate when it is favourable?

You can convert your funds into one of our 48 supported currencies, which includes USD, EUR, GBP, SGD and JPY.

Can I hold multiple currencies in a single account with Wallex?

Yes, you can lock in a rate when it is favourable. Once you lock it in, you have 24 hours to fund and complete the payment

How does Wallex's exchange rate compare to traditional banks?

Wallex provides a near mid-market rate that is far more competitive than what you will get at banks. You can also get customised rates based on the nature of your business and frequency of conversions. Speak to our FX specialist to find out more.

Can I make a TT to INR with Wallex?

You can send funds to any one of our 48 supported currencies with Wallex. View the full list of supported currencies here.

I made a payment with Wallex. Where can I track the status of my international payment?

You can track the status of your payment by downloading the MT103 document from the Wallex platform once the payment is completed.

Does Wallex allow me to lock in the exchange rate when it is favourable?

You can convert your funds into one of our 48 supported currencies, which includes USD, EUR, GBP, SGD and JPY.

Can I hold multiple currencies in a single account with Wallex?

Yes, you can lock in a rate when it is favourable. Once you lock it in, you have 24 hours to fund and complete the payment

How does Wallex's exchange rate compare to traditional banks?

Wallex provides a near mid-market rate that is far more competitive than what you will get at banks. You can also get customised rates based on the nature of your business and frequency of conversions. Speak to our FX specialist to find out more.

Can I make a TT to INR with Wallex?

You can send funds to any one of our 48 supported currencies with Wallex. View the full list of supported currencies here.

I made a payment with Wallex. Where can I track the status of my international payment?

You can track the status of your payment by downloading the MT103 document from the Wallex platform once the payment is completed.

使用 Wallex 平臺可以轉換哪些貨幣?

您可以將資金轉換為我們支持的 48 種貨幣之一,其中包括美元、歐元、英鎊、新加坡元和日元。您可在此查看完整列表。

當匯率有利時,Wallex 能否允許我鎖定匯率?

可以。您可以在匯率有利時鎖定匯率。一旦鎖定,您有 24 小時進行注資並完成付款。

Wallex 的匯率與傳統銀行相比如何?

Wallex 提供接近市場中間價的匯率,比銀行匯率更有競爭力。您也可根據業務性質和兌換頻率獲得定制匯率。請聯繫我們的外匯專家,瞭解更多資訊。


您可以使用 Wallex 向我們支持的 48 種貨幣中的任何一種匯款。點擊“此處”查看支持貨幣的完整列表。

我用 Wallex 付款後,在哪可以跟蹤我的國際支付狀態?

付款完成後,您可以在Wallex 平臺下載 MT103 檔跟蹤付款狀態。

Mata uang apa yang dapat saya akses menggunakan platform Wallex?

Wallex mendukung 48 mata uang dan Anda dapat mengonversi dana Anda menjadi salah satu dari mata uang tersebut untuk pembayaran internasional Anda.

Apakah Wallex mengizinkan saya mengunci nilai tukar saat menguntungkan?

Ya, Anda dapat mengunci nilai tukar jika menguntungkan. Setelah Anda menguncinya, Anda memiliki waktu 24 jam untuk membuat transaksi dan menyelesaikan pembayaran.

Apa perbedaan nilai tukar Wallex dibandingkan dengan bank tradisional?

Wallex memberikan kurs mendekati pasar menengah yang jauh lebih kompetitif daripada yang akan Anda dapatkan di bank. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan tarif yang disesuaikan berdasarkan sifat bisnis Anda dan frekuensi konversi.

Bisakah saya membuat Transfer Telegraf ke INR dengan Wallex?

Anda dapat mengirim dana ke salah satu dari 48 mata uang yang didukung Wallex. Lihat daftar lengkap mata uang yang didukung di sini.

Saya melakukan pembayaran dengan Wallex. Di mana saya dapat melacak status pembayaran internasional saya?

Saya melakukan pembayaran dengan Wallex. Di mana saya dapat melacak status pembayaran internasional saya?

使用 Wallex 平台可以转换哪些货币?

您可以将资金转换为我们支持的 48 种货币之一,其中包括美元、欧元、英镑、新加坡元和日元。您可在此查看完整列表。

当汇率有利时,Wallex 能否允许我锁定汇率?

可以。您可以在汇率有利时锁定汇率。一旦锁定,您有 24 小时进行注资并完成付款。

Wallex 的汇率与传统银行相比如何?

Wallex 提供接近市场中间价的汇率,比银行汇率更有竞争力。您也可根据业务性质和兑换频率获得定制汇率。请联系我们的外汇专家,了解更多信息。


您可以使用 Wallex 向我们支持的 48 种货币中的任何一种汇款。点击“此处”查看支持货币的完整列表。

我用 Wallex 付款后,在哪可以跟踪我的国际支付状态?

付款完成后,您可以在Wallex 平台下载 MT103 文件跟踪付款状态。

使用 Wallex 平台可以转换哪些货币?

您可以将资金转换为我们支持的 48 种货币之一,其中包括美元、欧元、英镑、新加坡元和日元。您可在此查看完整列表。

当汇率有利时,Wallex 能否允许我锁定汇率?

可以。您可以在汇率有利时锁定汇率。一旦锁定,您有 24 小时进行注资并完成付款。

Wallex 的汇率与传统银行相比如何?

Wallex 提供接近市场中间价的汇率,比银行汇率更有竞争力。您也可根据业务性质和兑换频率获得定制汇率。请联系我们的外汇专家,了解更多信息。


您可以使用 Wallex 向我们支持的 48 种货币中的任何一种汇款。点击“此处”查看支持货币的完整列表。

我用 Wallex 付款后,在哪可以跟踪我的国际支付状态?

付款完成后,您可以在Wallex 平台下载 MT103 文件跟踪付款状态。